If you are visiting this blog you are probably wondering what my history is and how I acquired this kind of knowledge about networking and computers in general.
How it all started
After I finished primary school I needed to decide what kind of work I wanted to do in the future.
Because my dad is a goldsmith and I found it kind of interesting so I decided to pick a study that was based on the goldsmith/jewelery stuff. After doing this for almost 6 years I graduated in 1999 and got my MBO diploma. During my study period my dad bought a computer and this was the first computer we ever had.
From the moment we actually had the computer within the house I found it very fascinating how it was working and the type of games we could play on it. The months after that I got my own computer and before my father even blinked with his eyes I already took the thing apart and wanted to put newer and faster parts in it.
This was just the beginning of my career which I did not realize at that time. The months during my study I was more interested in the computers that in my actual study and I tried to figure out all kinds of stuff out.
This was just the beginning of my career which I did not realize at that time.
My first internet connection was with a 9600 baud modem and my internet service provider was CompuServe.
I bought an install CD somewhere on the free market on Queens day (Public Holliday) After I installed the software on the PC I realized I needed a connection to the PSTN phone line so I searched a splitter and bought a 10 meter long phone cable which I eventually pulled from upstairs to downstairs into my room.
After giving the installation of the CompuServe CD another try I was asked to fill in a few questions and a credit card number.
The credit card part was funny because I did not have a credit card as a minor, so I kind of borrowed my dads and came up with a stupid story.
My dad did not knew what the internet was and I was into my investigation mood so I figured everything out ... from this moment on it was dialing into BBS'es, chatting with people from all over the world using the CompuServe chat rooms, getting a faster modem, getting a faster computer, getting an even faster computer with windows 3.11 on it, getting a faster computer with windows 95 etc etc.
I eventually got a chance show my magic within a company named Versatel as a helpdesk agent.
In 1999 after finishing school I had enough if the whole jewelry thing and I told my dad I want to do something else ... I wanted to earn money with something I really liked ... so I did a search what my options where and I eventually got a chance show my magic within a company named Versatel as a helpdesk agent.
The career path I followed
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My CCIE story
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